Created by: AKoseki
Several changes:
./_builder/buffer.php -> if folder doesnt exists, create it; The folder was not being generated, even with the item/resource/mechanic class existing, so we need to create the folder before anything
./rebuild.php -> add password to rebuild, add message, add read password from config ./config.php -> password setting
./_builder/rendering/root.php -> add under construction item/resource/mechanic href
./_builder/rebuildAll.php -> add item, resources, mechanics
Add missing texture block and image to show that is still missing
Resources, Items, Mechanics: Object renderization (WIP), shamelessy copied from block.php and replaced "block" word with item,mechanic,resource; Placeholder only, so the rebuild automagically creates the item folder, the file can be replaced entirely as it follows the pattern ./_builder/item.php ./_builder/resource.php ./_builder/mechanic.php ./_data/items.php ./_data/resources.php ./_data/mechanics.php